While they require a few steps and take some time to be ready, they are actually quite easy to make, and they last for several days in the fridge. If you like the combination of peanut butter and chocolate, you’re in for a very special treat! These keto peanut butter bars are amazing. They are so chocolatey and decadent. They combine two of my favorite foods: creamy peanut butter and extra-dark chocolate. And as impressive as they look, they are actually quite easy to make.


You’ll only need a few simple ingredients to make these tasty bars. The exact measurements are included in the recipe card below. Here’s an overview of what you’ll need: Almond flour: I use blanched finely ground almond flour in this recipe. I don’t recommend using a coarse almond meal. Butter: I use unsalted butter, and I prefer creamy European butter. But any butter will be great. Peanut butter: I use natural creamy peanut butter. The only ingredients are peanuts and salt, and it’s the kind of peanut butter you need to stir well before using. Sweetener: I use stevia. You can probably use a sugar-free granulated sweetener instead (powdered would be best), but I haven’t tested that. Dark chocolate chips: As dark as you can go and still enjoy them! You can also use a dark chocolate bar (Lindt is good) and chop it with a sharp knife.


Scroll down to the recipe card for detailed instructions. Here are the basic steps for making these keto peanut butter bars: Your first step is to line the pan with some wax paper, ensuring that you have a wax paper overhang. You will later use the overhang as handles for lifting the bars out of the pan. Now, go ahead and melt some butter in a medium microwave-safe bowl. Allow it to slightly cool, then mix in the stevia, peanut butter, and almond flour. Start mixing these ingredients with a rubber spatula, then use a whisk to mix them thoroughly until completely smooth and no almond flour lumps remain, as shown in the video below. Spread this mixture in the wax-paper-lined pan, then freeze it for 15 minutes. Your next step is to gently spread a melted chocolate mixture on top of the hardened peanut butter layer. The last step is to cover the pan and refrigerate it for at least 4 hours until the mixture is fully set. Then you can cut it into 16 bars.

Expert tip

It’s best to use a freshly opened jar of peanut butter, since the bottom of these jars is often a bit too dry, even if you stir the peanut butter well when you open them.

Frequently asked questions


Instead of peanut butter, you can make this recipe with natural almond butter. If you do, you might want to add half a teaspoon of almond extract to enhance the almond flavor.

Serving suggestions

If you like the combination of chocolate and peanut butter, it’s fun to make a platter of several types of desserts for your guests. You can include these bars, keto peanut butter cups, keto peanut butter cookies, and keto fudge.

Storing leftovers

You can keep the leftovers refrigerated in an airtight container, separated by layers of wax paper, for up to a week. You can also freeze them for up to three months.

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Recipe card

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